Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Bite

So... this is a narrative essay I had to write for school. I love it.

I never thought that at the end of what started as a typical day, I, an honest child would be stuck in my room because of a lie that I told. Everyone laughs about it today, but that day I cried more than I had on any other day.
That morning, Micah, my brother, and I were playing in our basement playroom. Blocks, dolls, cars and other toys were strewn all over the carpeted floor. Happily, we had decided earlier to build a gigantic house for my Barbies. Actually, I had decided, and Micah reluctantly followed along. What else could he do?
Whenever we played together I was usually the bossy one, always taking charge, whether it was playing house or building block structures. Usually he didn't seem to mind that I was in control, but sometimes he lost his temper if I didn't do it his way for a change. This was one of those days when his self control would be thrown to the wind. Playing happily together, no explosions of tempers or disagreements had occurred yet, in either one of us.
Then suddenly, his anger erupted when he realized that he was like a puppet on a string being manipulated by me, the puppeteer. Angrily, he roughly slapped my cheek like a madman. Being the sensitive child that I was, I overreacted by shrieking as I swiftly clambered up the stairs to my mother. Lying on the couch, suffering from the flu virus, she had a look on her face that said, "Oh please. Not again. Why is she so sensitive?" But to me, this look meant, "Oh no! The poor girl. That evil Micah did something again!" I climbed onto the couch beside her and pitifully cried, "Micah slapped me!". She, not capable of leaving the couch at the time, called for my older sister, Susanna, to bring the terrible wretch, Micah, up from his hiding place in the basement. She then proceeded to comfort me by wiping my tears away and hugging me tenderly.
That was when the real trouble began. You see, I thought that my Mom wasn't strict enough with Micah. I knew that he wouldn't get the punishment that he really deserved, therefore, I decided to make him get what he deserved. Knowing that my Mom would believe me, since I was such an honest child and never lied, I bit into the salty skin of my arm and made sure that there was a noticeable mark. Then I pitifully moaned, "He bit me, too!". My plan worked! Because she believed me, my mother's anger towards Micah grew. After Susanna dragged him up the stairs, Mom sent him into his room to sit on his bed for the rest of the day. Since my mother wasn't able to do it at the moment, my dad would give him a spanking when he came home from work. I had succeeded in making him get the discipline he deserved! Finally, there was a hint of fairness between us. Hurray for the victorious Abi! Life went on as usual. The end..... not really.
My conscience, even to this day, makes me feel guilty. From buying clothes that I really need, to biting myself and blaming my brother. Therefore, my conscience kicked in later that day. Feeling extremely guilty for my lie, and maybe even feeling lonesome for Micah, I proceeded to confess my sin to my mother. In a sense, that was my mistake. Micah and I traded places. He was given permission to come out of his prison into freedom, while I left the free world and traveled into the world of no escape until dinnertime. He still had to receive a spanking from my dad, though, which made me smile a little through my tears that I shed for the second time that day. So, instead of getting Micah into trouble with my lie, I instead found myself in trouble.
After this experience I learned that there's no point in lying, since my guilty conscience will win in the end. Sure, I've lied since then(I think), but not many times, because I know I will feel the guilt sooner or later and have to confess. God was right when he said that your sins will find you out.

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