Monday, June 28, 2010

Lazy American Christians

Lazy Christian
Yeah. I'm talking about you. You who got that pedicure. Did you know that with the money you spent on that pedicure you could have freed 68 children from worms?
And that Starbucks coffee you Christian rockstars buy more than three times a week. Did you know you could have fed more than 9 children for a day?
You American Christians disgust me. Did you know that there are Christians FROM America who are risking their lives in different countries? I know of a guy who lives in Afghanistan right now. He is risking his life teaching and preaching to men and women. But what are you doing? Going to church? Feeding the homeless once a month? Donating some old clothes? Great job. That's just amazing. You're doing so much to further his kingdom. 2 Timothy 1:8 "So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord, or ashamed of me his prisoner. But join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God." Are you suffering for God? I highly doubt it. Suffering because you are testifying about him? Probably not.

It seems like Christians in America are just waiting for Jesus to come back. They aren't doing anything to further his kingdom. They're just sitting around. It drives me crazy! There's this aching in my soul that just makes me want to go out and knock some sense into Christians in this disgusting country. Do you not know that hundreds of people are dying every single day? Why aren't you doing anything about it? Why? I don't understand you. At all. Why is it so important to buy the best house, your favorite furniture, matching dishes? Can't you be satisfied with the many clothes and shoes you have instead of constantly buying more and more? Aren't you ever satisfied? You are so selfish. Everything you do is about yourself. You barely do anything for Jesus. He gave his whole life for you, and you can't even stop spending money on things that you can't take with you to heaven. Everything you buy here stays here. When you get to heaven, are you going to look back and say, " Man, all those spas and pedicures were such a good investment." Yeah, I doubt it. Maybe you should think before you spend.

Matthew 28:19-20"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." This is supposed to be our life. Can you really ask yourself if you're doing this and say, "Yes."?
Our life on this earth is so short! It may seem long, but compared to eternity, it's short. Think about the unsaved. They are being damned to hell. And what are you doing about it? You have the greatest gift of all, Jesus' love and salvation, and you are hiding it from this world! Why? Because you're ashamed of it? Because you are so caught up in the pleasures of this world? Because you don't have time? Think about it.

Do you think Paul would have gone on a cruise? Would Mary Magdalene have gone to the spa once a month? You're so obsessed with consumerism. That's all you think about: what else can I get? what else can I spend my "hard earned" money on? Did you ever stop to think that heaven will have all this? Why do you need it here on earth? Why can't you spend your "hard earned'' money and save starving children? Stop abortion. Give clean water. Buy animals for needy families. Send children to school. Get teenagers out of the sex trafficking. But no. It's all about you isn't it? Stop being so selfish!

I desperately want to leave America. I hate it here. I hate all the distractions it provides us(me) with. I hate spending my money on lame things that I later regret. I hate living with selfish Christians. I want to go to a country where there aren't as many distractions. Is there such a thing? Is it selfish to want to leave here? I don't know......

[ Just in case you think I'm "judging you"(since everyone hates that so much), this isn't centered on one person or on anyone in particular. And when I say you, I mean me too. I know I'm "lazier" than I should be as a follower of Christ, but I'm changing that.]

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Law and Sin

I finally got it!!! I have been reading Romans 6 and 7 for the past couple of weeks(with a commentary) and I was very confused on one subject. It kept saying that the law wasn't sin, but it increased sinning. I know for sure that the law is not sin, since God gave it to us. Why would a perfect God give us a sinful law? What would be the point anyway since the point of the law is to keep order and justice? Anyway...I couldn't figure out how the law increased sin, when I thought it was to keep us from sinning. And this morning I finally understood it. The commentary explained it this way: when someone forbids you from doing something, you automatically get interested in that forbidden act. It's just part of human nature. So the law(the Ten Commandments) commands us not to do certain things(adultery, coveting, disobeying our parents, worshipping other gods, etc) and we automatically get interested in those sins. So that's how it increases trespasses. If the all knowing God knew it would increase trespasses, why did he give it to us? Because the Israelites needed some form of order and justice. And so do we, over three thousand years later! So even though it does increase our sinning, it's also the best form of government and order God could have provided for us. At least that's my opinion!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A little boy

Recently on Facebook I have seen many statuses about praying for a little boy named Kobe. I had seen statuses like this before, but I finally decided to see why he needed so much prayer. After reading about him on the internet, I realized that he has some kind of an immune problem that involves his liver and lungs. I don't really understand all the technical terms, but I understand that he is constantly in the hospital; he breathes through tubes; he has to undergo surgery, etc. This little boy is only seven. Seven. I can't even imagine what he has experienced. This is the kind of situation that unbelievers look and at say, "How can a loving God cause a little boy so much suffering?" I've always heard the answer to that: sin. Sin causes suffering like that. I've always understood that until now. I trust that God has a plan for his life, and for his stressed and worried families' lives. But I don't understand why God has to make Kobe be in pain. Maybe through all this it will strengthen his family's relationship with God. Maybe later on in his life, Kobe will look back and see the miracles God performed in his life. Maybe. Life is full of maybe's and what if's. I still don't understand though. He's so little and innocent! I can't make sense of it. I don't even know this little boy. I only know his family from when I was very little myself. So why has this hit me so hard? I have no clue. It just doesn't seem fair. But it has to be fair, because the God I love and trust in is a just God. I believe that with my whole heart. I believe that he is just. I just still don't understand. But if I did understand everything that is not understandable in this world, there would be no need for God. I guess that's my conclusion. Sometimes confusing things happen in this world that seem so unfair and unjust and un-God-like, but I have to just keep trusting in the faithful God I know is there.

This is the sign of his faithfulness.