Friday, February 20, 2009

College Stuff

So my news of the week....
This past school year I had been thinking about what kind of college I wanted to attend. I had decided on a program called CollegePlus, in which I would earn my Bachelor's Degree in about 2 years for only about $15,000 and it's online. So I had it all planned out...... until I realized that I only wanted to do that program so I wouldn't have to go out into the world and be with people, one of my worst fears. I didn't want to leave my home, which is the place that I feel the safest and most secure, so I based my decision on that. Then God brought it to my knowlege that he didn't want that for me, at least I think so. It's so hard to figure out where God wants me to go, but I'll just continue to pray and take my time deciding.
In the past couple of days I have been researching different Bible colleges that I would like to attend. I would like to attend a smaller Bible college that isn't a liberal arts college, but just offers different kinds of Bible courses and what not. I'm interested in missions and youth ministry at this point, although it could change in the next two years! My favorite colleges that I have looked up are Calvary Chapel Bible College in California, which offers a Spanish course and they go down to Mexico, this one is just a four month college and is very inexpensive, Coastline Bible College, which accepts graduates of CCBC and is a six month college, and Boise Bible College, which is a regular 4 year college with different courses.....
There are still a lot of colleges out there that I can attend, but I haven't gotten to them yet. It's pretty fun researching them when I don't have to decide right yet. It's all in God's hands though. He's the master planner! I just need to be reminded of that sometimes when I start taking my future plans into my own hands.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A College Feasibility Study by Abigail Metzger
What comes to your mind when you think of the word college? Hard work? Lots of money? A waste of time? Time spent wisely? A college experience means something different to every person, whether they have attended a college, are attending, or will attend. From significant sources I've gathered information and answers that are vitally important to questions pertaining to college. These include the following:
What exactly is the purpose of attending a college program? For some, college programs offer the degrees needed for the career towards which they are working. Others attend a college because it's was just assumed that if you want to do anything in your life, you have to go to college. Still others decide to attend college just for the experience, to be well rounded, to skip the last years of highschool because of boredom or to be ahead of other students their own age, to prove something to others or themselves, to have structure and some sort of direction in their life, and other personal reasons. Others choose to not attend college because they are not planning on a future career that is based on classes taken in college; they don't have the money or are not eligible for certain scholarships or grants they need to pay for college; something else comes up in their lives that interferes with college; or they didn't know what they would be doing in the future, therefore they didn't want to risk wasting years learning information that wouldn't mean much to them in the years ahead.
How do people pay for college? There are many different ways. People earn money for tuition by working before college, during college, or after college. Others qualify for scholarships, grants, or financial aid that cover a small amount or quite a bit of the cost depending on grades, income, and other factors. Years after their college experience, individuals are still trying to pay off their loans, which is why some choose to save up money beforehand or while they are attending college.
How do people decide when to attend college? Most students begin their college attendance the autumn after graduating from highschool. Others take a year or more off to make decisions pertaining to college. Some go to college many years later because they couldn't immediately due to lack of funds, getting married and having children, etc. People make their decisions based on their own personal reasons.
How do people decide where to attend college? Many decisions are based on the person's interests, such as what kind of degrees they want to obtain or what classes they would like to take. Then they figure out what colleges offer those degrees or classes. They may want to attend a college based on religious factors, the location, size, or whether it is a university, a private or community college. There are many different decisions to make about where you would like to attend college; some are easy while others are extremely difficult. Deciding where to go to college takes time and thought; you usually can't just decide right away where you want to learn. Some people decide soley on their own, but many are influenced by others such as siblings, parents, grandparents, friends, graduates of a specific college, teachers, guidance from God, and so on.
Obviously, the decision regarding whether or not to attend college takes time, thought, and research. Many circumstances and people influence decisions that pertain to college attendance. It is not a smart idea to rush into any decisons about college; you may regret it in later years. Take your time. Listen to others' opinions and their experiences in deciding about college. Don't make it a painful process by constantly worrying about the " right" decision. The decision is ultimately up to you based on your personal thoughts.
Thanks to Trisha Ambrose, Sarah Goodrich, Susanna Metzger, Hatley Laughrige, Jojo Hahn, Caleb Metzger, Dave Cline, Bill Gerhardt, Ashley Metzger, and Brook Halford for their valuable answers and information regarding this report.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

My first blog!!

So I decided to get a blog as you can see. I'm not a super good writer so maybe this will enhance my writing skills.
Just to let you know, I didn't come up with the name on my own. My wonderful sister Susanna came up with it. She's such a smarty!
So.....I'm not really sure what to say...I have stage fright. Just kidding. I have a really painful sprained ankle. I've been laying on the couch this entire week and keeping it elevated. It's super bruised. I wish I had an awesome story behind my spraining, but I don't. So here is the real story. I was carrying a box out to my mom's car after Ashley's baby shower on Saturday and I tripped over my feet. I think I broke one of their little lamps as a sprained it. I didn't think it was bad at first but then I felt it later and it was already swelling up.... The first night I couldn't walk on it at all and I puked that night cuz I got up too fast. It was a really weird night. And that's all I have to say for now. That was very interesting huh???