Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A little boy

Recently on Facebook I have seen many statuses about praying for a little boy named Kobe. I had seen statuses like this before, but I finally decided to see why he needed so much prayer. After reading about him on the internet, I realized that he has some kind of an immune problem that involves his liver and lungs. I don't really understand all the technical terms, but I understand that he is constantly in the hospital; he breathes through tubes; he has to undergo surgery, etc. This little boy is only seven. Seven. I can't even imagine what he has experienced. This is the kind of situation that unbelievers look and at say, "How can a loving God cause a little boy so much suffering?" I've always heard the answer to that: sin. Sin causes suffering like that. I've always understood that until now. I trust that God has a plan for his life, and for his stressed and worried families' lives. But I don't understand why God has to make Kobe be in pain. Maybe through all this it will strengthen his family's relationship with God. Maybe later on in his life, Kobe will look back and see the miracles God performed in his life. Maybe. Life is full of maybe's and what if's. I still don't understand though. He's so little and innocent! I can't make sense of it. I don't even know this little boy. I only know his family from when I was very little myself. So why has this hit me so hard? I have no clue. It just doesn't seem fair. But it has to be fair, because the God I love and trust in is a just God. I believe that with my whole heart. I believe that he is just. I just still don't understand. But if I did understand everything that is not understandable in this world, there would be no need for God. I guess that's my conclusion. Sometimes confusing things happen in this world that seem so unfair and unjust and un-God-like, but I have to just keep trusting in the faithful God I know is there.

This is the sign of his faithfulness.