Sunday, December 4, 2011

Final blog from Summit Semester

November 28th, Monday

Eric Smith has been finishing up his last hours of teaching with us today. We have three hours left tomorrow, and then no more lectures left for the rest of Semester. L His teaching today really intrigued me. We were talking about covenants, old and new. Here’s a bit that I learned…. There can be either one way or two way covenants. One way consists of God promising something and the other party not having to do anything in return. Two way is described as God promising to do something only if the other party will do something also. There were four covenants in the Old Testament: the Noahic covenant, the Abrahamic covenant, the Mosaic covenant, and the Davidic covenant. The Noahaic covenant was one way: God promised to never flood the earth again. Noah didn’t have to do anything in return. The Abrahamic covenant was one way: God promised many blessings to Abraham. The Mosaic covenant was two way: God gave the law to the Israelites promising to protect and care for them only if they obeyed the law. The Davidic covenant was another one way covenant: God promised to give David an offspring that would last forever. David had nothing to do with it.

Hebrews 8,9, and 10 presents the idea of a new covenant, a covenant that is superior to the old covenant. This new covenant replaces the Mosaic or Sinaitic covenant. It has nothing to do with the Noahic. Jesus fulfilled the Davidic. And the Abrahamic is yet to be fulfilled if you believe that the promised land is heaven and that Abraham’s descendants include all people. Differences between the Mosaic covenant and the new covenant are the following: Jesus only had to sacrifice once and for all while other priests had to sacrifice over and over again. Priests were never allowed to sit down in the temple because they had to sacrifice constantly; when Jesus sacrificed himself and ascended into heaven, he sat down at the right hand of God. Jesus is the high priest; he couldn’t be a regular priest because he wasn’t of the line of the Levites. People had to sacrifice every time they sinned, but Jesus didn’t have to enter heaven again and again, just once.

I find it quite interesting to see the differences between the four covenants in the Old Testament; to see whether they are fulfilled by Jesus or replaced with the new covenant; and to study the differences between the old covenant and the new. I’m really enjoying studying the Bible and learning so many new things I have never pondered before. God’s word has so many surprises in it, and I don’t think I’ll ever be done studying it, which is fine by me.

November 29th, Tuesday

Today was a day of lasts…last work crew, last small group, and last day of classes. It’s so strange to think of leaving this place in three days. I’m trying to prepare myself for going home, however, I don’t know what to expect. I keep thinking it’ll be just like when I left, working constantly, exhausted constantly, driving everywhere, packing, doing lots of youth events, etc. I didn’t enjoy that time very much, and honestly I don’t want life to be that way when I get home. So I’m trying not to think of it in that way. It’s incredibly difficult to not try to imagine life the same. I know it won’t be the same though. My character, my values, my thoughts, my relationship have all changed drastically. I do not think life can go on in that similar way with how things have progressed here at Semester. We’ll see I guess.

November 30th, Wednesday

More lasts today… last regular breakfast together, last “field trip” together( we went to Durango for a couple of hours), and last dish crew( that made me want to cry when I realized Delta Force didn’t have dish crew again. )

During our family meeting this morning we discussed going home. It has been described as a culture shock by alumni, so Dustin warned us of this and what to expect and how to adjust. He said that a depression will probably set in for the first couple of weeks. He also reminded us that we’re not the only ones who have changed; our families and friends have changed as well. I’m glad I know a bit of what to expect instead of just expecting it to be just like when I left.

A couple weeks ago when I figured out we would be leaving each other so soon, I teared up quite a bit. Now that we’re two days away from leaving, I feel like I don’t have any emotions in me. And yes, I do feel that way. One of my new pet peeves is when people use the word, feel, to describe everything. Anyway… Super weird, especially for majorly emotional Abi Metzger. I didn’t even cry when I had my exit interview with Dustin this evening. We went over what my goals were when I got here, if they had been fulfilled, what my goals for the future are, and what kind of schedule I would be implementing when I go home. Very practical and important, I think.

December 1st, Thursday

Happy December 1st!!! Only one day left. I’m super excited to go home, honestly, but I know I’ll be a wreck leaving. Another family meeting was held this morning in which we discussed a book called “ A Little Exercise for Young Theologians”, which I have yet to read. It’s supposed to help us in our transition back home, teaching us to have grace towards people and to not treat people like they are stupid. Hurrah. We also discussed how to find and choose a church and what are important priorities for a church to have. All in all, it was an interesting meeting and helped prep me more for going home.

After dinner, parents began arriving for graduation tomorrow. It’s a pleasure to meet different families and see how they are like my friends, but with them here, I know that our time here at Summit Semester is coming to a close. And that makes me pretty sad. My family arrives tomorrow, and I am so stoked! I can’t wait to see their shining faces!

This evening all the students took part in a cleaning party with chips and soda and sugar!!!! Kara and I packed a lot of our stuff and started cleaning our room. Super sad to see my shelves and desk and closet become empty. I don’t think going home is a reality yet, but at the same time it is. Hmmmm…

December 4th, Sunday

Well, I am now home. Friday was spent packing, writing my blurb for graduation, and waiting in expectation for my mom, sister and brother to arrive. They finally arrived at 4 in the afternoon. I almost cried seeing them! I was so excited. Graduation occurred at 5. After the girls got dressed up, the guys came over to our lodge and escorted us to the main lodge. We ate a 3 course meal and dessert, then all of us students stood up and said something about our time at Semester. I bawled the whole time I said mine. However, I wasn’t embarrassed because they are my family. J Then we were each given a diploma, a rose or shirt depending on the gender, the book “Pilgrim Theology” written by Bauman, and a booklet with our blogs, sonnets, and information. After we had all graduated, a slideshow of pictures was presented, bringing a few tears. Once we had cleaned up the dining hall and kitchen, the long lasting dance party began. Twas super duper fun with reels, swing dancing, and just jumping around. I stayed up until 3 talking, eating freshly baked French bread, crying, and trying not to fall asleep. I then woke up at 6 in order to say goodbye to six of the students who had early flights. I entered the lodge with Kara, my room mate, and found mostly everyone crying and hugging each other. As I hugged the six good bye, tears flowed and didn’t stop for a long while. I then packed up the rest of my belongings, wrote Thing 1(Kara) and Thing 3(Maggie) letters, and prepared to leave. After crying a ton more and hugging everyone goodbye(goodbyes I will never forget), I walked down to the car with Maggie, Kara, and my siblings. On our way down, Steven summit saluted me from the porch, never will I forget that either. I finally had to say goodbye to those girls whom I love, the worst thing I’ve ever had to do. L After many hours in the car with more tears, I arrived home at ten. It was very different and strange to be home; it still is. I really wish I was back at Semester with everyone, but I know I am where God wants me. I know that we couldn’t stay there forever. It was just a time of preparation and now we’re equipped to further God’s kingdom all the more. I know that it will take a while to adjust to life back at home, but I’m trusting in my Father to give me strength and courage to do so. I will never forget Summit Semester. It was the best experience of my life. I love everyone there so dearly and will miss them immensely. But I am the Real Man and I will make it through this with perseverance. And so endeth my blogs from Summit Semester.


  1. I, for one, am glad you're home. You can now impart your experiences to our youth and, me, being an oldth, will learn from you as well. Debbie K.

  2. No matter where you go in life, you will always be so grateful that you had this time. I get a little teary just reading your thoughts and reflecting on my own experiences. The riches of God are amazing. Hebrews has been one of the most life changing books for me, at least in this particular season of my life. It helped me discover the difference in what I know about God and what I believe about God. Faith is definitely "where it's at!"
    Enjoy the journey, Miss Abi! It' going to be wonderful.
