This year's girl's camp, held in the dormitory in San Lazaro, Mexico, lasted from Sunday, July 1st until Thursday, July 5th. The team from Utah consisted of Rich and Wendy(my padres), Lisa Evans and Cathy Craner( two women from my church body), Samantha de la Cruz( a young girl from another church body), Mary Kate(my sister), and myself(that's me!).
All the girls and leaders |
Day One-Sunday Night
Although it began differently
than expected with groups arriving at times different than the
allotted time, and most of the girls being disobedient and not
sleeping the first night, we tried to give our expectations of the
week to God to do according to His will. Since most of us knew that
things would not go according to our schedules having the previous
year's experience to compare, we welcomed God to change our plans according to how He desired to move. Despite this, it was still a
struggle to be flexible and not frustrated when things changed
because of our human weakness in wanting things to go our way.
Day Two-Monday
The majority of the “dorm dwellers”
began the day exhausted due to lack of sleep. A different strategy
tried this year(compared with the previous year) were the three small
groups led by Samantha, Mary Kate, and Deborah, a young woman from
Nogales. Discussions focusing on the theme, “Su Vida En Cristo” or
“Your Life in Christ” lasted about an hour. Because of the girls'
fatigue(one girl even asked if it was time to sleep), the discussions
lacked responses causing a bit ofdiscouragement for the leaders. As a
lesson in consequences for disobedience(referring to the previous
night), siesta time replaced game time. I became discouraged
at that point due to an increase of disrespect because when I put effort into fixing a
problem, I assume that the problem
will be fixed right away. This was not the case with these girls;
although, it did lead us to realize that respect is an issue that
needs to be dealt with especially in these girls.
We attempted to show the girls creation
science videos led taught by Ken Ham. That attempt failed, sadly,
because of their boredom and fatigue. It was a good lesson to learn
though that they are not usually made to do things that they don't
want to do: another “problem to be fixed”. Samantha and Deborah
taught “worship dance” to the girls in which they used their
streamers made during craft time. It seemed as though they really
enjoyed that.
Deborah |
Beatrize teaching |
At lights out time, Samantha and I
walked up and down the hall checking the rooms. Every single light
was off and all the girls were sleeping quietly. We hoped it was due
to the lesson on disrespect and disobedience we had tried to instill
within them, though I think they were thoroughly exhausted.
Day Three- Tuesday
Compared to the previous day, Tuesday
was grand. They enjoyed breakfast(happiness filled my mama's heart)
and most of the girls responded well and paid attention during small
group. Focusing on grace, faith, and salvation, Mary Kate(I was in
her group as a helper), made the discussion personal by asking lots
of questions. And instead of letting them get away with typical,
“Sunday school” answers, Mary Kate asked, “Porque? Ok, pero,
porque?(Why? Ok, but, why?) many times. I was surprised, yet
encouraged, by their honest answers and questions. An hour passed by
quickly as we discussed the biblical doctrines.
Meeting together |
Despite being behind on
schedule(something that usually bothers me a lot), the day went
incredibly smoothly. The girls were more respectful, ventured out of
their cliques and made new friends, and loved when we played games
with them during their free time.
In the afternoon, the gringos had the
time to sit down with Beatrize, inquiring about the problems in the
church and culture in Mexico. We asked questions regarding the early
pregnancies in young girls, the great disrespect issue we had
discovered in the previous days, etc. The answers we got were
discouraging in that we realized the problems were greater than we
had thought, but simultaneously encouraging because it gave us new
thoughts and ideas of how we need to work on fixing those problems
through God's grace and strength in the coming years. New ideas about
future girls camps were discussed and also about starting boys and
girls camps in Beatrize's village, in addition to maybe beginning a
parenting conference the following February. The whole discussion
greatly encouraged me. Although the problems became bigger and more
evident, I realized how much easier they would be to try to conquer
because of the developing relationships we have, especially the new
one with Beatrize. I could tell that she really cared about the girls
at the camp and about the youth in her village as she gave us new
ideas and ways we can reach them.
Day Four-Wednesday
The respect and kindness of the girls
seemed to increase as the days went on, to our great surprise. The
morning small group had great interaction and lots of sarcasm and
joking from Mary Kate to lighten the mood. It was really funny to
watch them interact with her especially the faces they made when they
couldn't figure out if she was being serious or not.
After a combination of all the small
groups(also known as gigantic group), we sat the girls in front of an
actual movie, Pilgrim's Progress, instead of a lecture based video.
My dad made his famous popcorn for them which they thoroughly
enjoyed, and after giving it to them, we told them they could not
come back into the dormitory until dinner time due to a surprise.
See, the girls were famous for having to go to the bathroom or for
needing a drink of water during the “attention grabbing” movies
we showed them. I did not know that in order to get a drink or go to
the bathroom, one girl had to take three other people with her.
To finish off the night, Samantha, Mary
Kate, and I told our testimonies of how God had changed our lives and
hearts into new ones and what our lives looked like in Christ(Su Vida
en Cristo). The girls were attentive and most seemed to relate to at
least one of the testimonies. We “allowed”(no, we really wanted
them to!) the girls to stay up later because it was the last night at
camp. Because of this, some of the girls really opened up to us about
themselves. We found out that some really enjoyed reading, which was
great since we were beginning a reading program the next week.
Day Four-Thursday
I think despite the fatigue of us
leaders and the disobedience of the girls at first, the days were
spent well. Perhaps we will never know if we actually did make a
difference in the lives of each of the girls. I know that we pray and
plead with God that seeds were planted and that those seeds would be
watered and would begin to flourish. And I know that the goal should
not be to see the reward, but to obey Christ's command to go and
disciple. I think in a small way we did disciple these girls, and we
have received new ideas and techniques for how to better disciple the
girls in the coming years. I am so thankful to be a part of the
miracles and transformation that God is doing in the lives of the
Mexican girls.
If you would like to partner with us(
my family and Oasis Vineyard Church) in reaching the teenage girls of
Sonora Mexico or being a part of the Vacation Bible School team that
occurs annually in July, post a comment. God is truly working in the
hearts of our brothers and sisters in Mexico, and help is always
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