For our last project at Semester, Dustin had all of us write a reflective paper on our time at Semester. Mine summarizes my time there and the most important changes that occurred to me; there was so much more that I could write, however I remembered how long my blog was. :) My sonnet written for the English Literature class is located at the end of this blog as well. It definitely describes what I am going through now that I'm home. So I thought I would share them with ya'll. Enjoy reading.
Months before coming to Summit Semester, I imagined what life would be like here, having many aspirations in mind. What excited me most was the privilege of living among like minded Christ followers, being challenged daily through work and study, learning and gleaning wisdom from scholars, and having my Creator shape my character to look more and more like his. I never imagined my yearnings to be fulfilled in the ways they were.
Through the community aspect, I have learned exactly what relationships are. A relationship is Christ centered and is not one way but consists of two persons. In order for a relationship to be fruitful, I must give all my efforts into it without expecting anything in return. I must be selfless, not focusing on what I need, but on what my friend needs. In addition to this, I learned that relationships are vital in this life. At one point during this semester, I had the inkling to give up on relationships. I did not see growth, and my desires were not being fulfilled. However, the Holy Spirit revealed to me the wrong I was committing. My focus had only been on myself and my needs, instead of on the other person’s needs. Once I discovered this, I began to change my attitude towards relationships. I started to focus on a few friendships instead of trying to become friends with all thirty students. Due to this revelation and repentance, I now have a few kindred spirits with whom I spend most of my time. Moreover, I learned how to communicate, whether confronting another student with a problem or expressing my thoughts on a particular subject. Communication is key to healthy relationships and to every aspect of life in general. This knowledge I applied even to relationships among family members and friends at home through phone calls, letters, or emails. Because of it, I have peaceful, honest relationships that I have longed for a long time. I learned much about myself and the reasons for why I act the way I do. The students at Semester encouraged me to be patient with myself as I strive to act and think like Christ. Also, I learned to respect their beliefs and opinions, although not always the same as mine. I thoroughly enjoyed living among like-minded believers. I have seen young guys act like polite and caring gentlemen and young women defend and fight for their beliefs with fervor. Their words and deeds are an encouragement to me that I will not forget.
Challenges at Semester were evident daily: trying to glorify God while sanding with a painful wrist; formulating my thoughts to verbally defend my beliefs; reading page after page of thought provoking books; studying for quizzes; sharing my struggles in small group; lacking sleep due to late night conversations; being patient with extroverts who verbally process all their thoughts; surviving two bouts of head colds; and not being able to drink milk daily. I would not trade these difficulties for anything simpler or easier because through each trial, my character improved slightly. Although I have a long way to go, I can tell that I have become less impatient, less proud, and less frustrated when challenges come my way. I can count it all joy when trials are prevalent because I have seen how I have grown through the trials here at Summit Semester.
I am overjoyed and so grateful to my Father for the privilege of studying and learning under Mike Mandt, J.P. Moreland, John Stonestreet, Eric Smith, Donald Williams, and especially, Dr. Bauman. My mind is compressed with information regarding physics, philosophy, culture, the Bible, poetry, philology, church history, politics, and English literature. Although all the professors instilled in me new ideas and subjects, methods of study, and a desire to learn more, Dr. Bauman impacted me the most. He taught me to think logically, concisely, and deeply. His voice will ever be in my head: “Do your theology like Jesus did. Think and act like Jesus did.” His style of teaching, questioning and attacking everything, scared me to death when I first arrive at Summit. I feared him calling on me, and when he did, I fumbled, I shook, I sweated. But as time went on and I was called on more often, and when not called on, I began preparing my thoughts just in case he did call on me again. That was his purpose, to cause me to think hard about consequential ideas. He desired for me to have solid, sound beliefs and opinions based on Jesus’ way of thinking and acting. Because of Dr. Bauman, my thinking, my writing, my teaching, and my reading methods will never be the same.
All these aspects of Summit Semester have shaped my character into one that reflects Christ. I am aware of how much more I have to learn and accomplish, but I believe that I am well on my way to finishing the race set out before me. I will endure the trials that are before me with perseverance through my renewed trust in Jesus Christ my Lord. His faithfulness and patience towards my failings have cause me to love and adore him more than I ever have. His showers of grace have caused me to realize the sinner I am, but also how much I am loved by him. He has shown me my need for his presence and his word when I become discouraged in this fight for his kingdom. His compassion and mercies are new every morning. My character and spirit have been strengthened, restored, and renewed in great many ways here at Summit Semester. I do not believe I would be the person I am today without going through the trials and joys in the beautiful Rocky Mountains.
I thank God for this “once in a lifetime” chance to live at Snow Wolf Lodge among the beauty of creation and people, the grandeur of ideas and beliefs, the thrill of study and work, the delight of discovering and learning, and the joy of being shaped and challenged. I give my Lord Jesus Christ all the glory and honor for what he has done in me and through me at Summit Semester. He is an outstanding God who has given me an exceptional experience. May he be praised forever.
Future Free
His plans for my life are vaguely hidden.
Troubled, I contemplate what will come next.
Striving to listen, my heart is perplexed,
Asking what precisely has He bidden.
Imagining life in the world after
These three months of living in solitude
Causes great apprehension in my mood.
Assurance in His promises shatter.
Faintly He speaks to my burdensome heart,
“Remember, always will I be with you.
My faithfulness to you is indeed true.
I will not forget to fulfill my part.”
I shall not dread the unknown days to come,
Instead will trust in Him, the Faithful One.