Thursday, October 7, 2010

My Feeble Attempt at Poetry

This week for Literature, my book directed me to write a journal entry every day and write poems out of my entries. The point is to make something extraordinary appear out of something ordinary. The ordinary is my daily routine. The extraordinary is something splendid that occurred during that routine. So this is my attempt at that. Have fun!

Monday #1
A few minutes of prayer
Held so much.
Brokeness. An apology.
Ready forgiveness.
Honesty and tears.
For the new day.

The new day.
It brought forth rain.
A symbol of cleanliness,
Newness, and purity.

The htought did not come
To me then.
Oh, but it has been
Thought of now.

During those few
Minutes of prayer,
My Savior.
He rained his
Forgiveness on my
Broken and contrite
Just as the rain poured
From the sky
The very next day.

He was pleased.
As was I.

Tuesday #2
His voice unleashed words.
Terrible words.
Words terrible to the hearer, me.
Words not so terrible to the speaker, he.

The painful phrases
Brought to my mind,
Memories of guilt,
Anger, Depression,
Sadness, Regret.
And memories of
Forgiveness and Healing
In the end.

Those memories came
From many terrible days.
However, good came.
God's good came.
Just as He promised.

Wednesday #3
Oh, English language
How I despise you.

Oh, timed-English language
How I loathe thee.
Even more.

The last one came after I had taken my first pre-pre-ACT test. It was on the subject of English. And it was timed. I found out that I don't do well with timed-schooly-type-thingys.
So there. That's my feeble attempt at poetry. It certainly is feeble, eh?