Thursday, January 2, 2014

Report on the Individual Mandate

Imagine being Katie, a twenty-something year-old married woman with a toddler. She and her husband have full time occupations that financially bring them a little over the poverty line, which is about $20,000 for her size of family. Before the Affordable Care Act was enacted in 2010, Katie paid $95 each month for insurance for her family. After “Obamacare”, the nickname for the ACA, became law, those premiums reached a drastic high of $350 per month. Even before her insurance reached this height, the couple struggled to pay bills and provide for their small family. With the individual mandate commencing in in January 2014, which enforces all individuals to either purchase health care or pay a penalty, Katie’s family’s finances will worsen or possibly improve(Walsh).
Before you allow your emotions to take hold of you and begin name calling as many do when they hear a political, yet personal story like this, please read on. Many factors play a role in this political issue of why the individual mandate exists. These factors include high costs within the healthcare system today, what creates those costs, and how those costs affect individuals. One person cannot be blamed for the high costs within the healthcare system.. In order to find where such blame goes, the costs and what causes costs should be studied critically to have a complete view of the picture. Once studied, we can move on to how the individual mandate might affect the country’s current health care system. In this report, each of the complicated factors mentioned will be discussed in order to find out how the individual mandate will help improve or complicate the costs of healthcare.

The Current Cost of Healthcare
Before the problems mentioned above are discussed, the current cost of healthcare must be known. Compared with the other expenses our country pays for every year, healthcare costs have reached the highest. In addition to this, the cost grows consistently  each year. As it escalates, it creates numerous difficulties. For example, families and individuals cannot afford health insurance, businesses have to continually revise what they offer to their employees; and taxes must increase in order to pay for the government programs, Medicaid and Medicare, or else capability to join the federal programs declines dramatically(Kaiser).
In 1970, 7.2% of the Gross Domestic Product went towards health care. By 2011, that percentage had risen to the height of 17.9%.  Though the percentage has been rising consistently, in 2002 it slowed down due to the recession.  These costs are projected to rise per person from $8,300 to $13,000 between now and 2017(CBO).

Although the financial measures put towards health care amount to high costs, only a small portion of the population take part in these costs. Almost 50% of the money spent on health care in 2009 paid for only 5% of the population and 21.8% of the money treated the 1% of the population whose expenditures were above $51,951(Kaiser).
Looking even deeper into the cost of healthcare,  the differences between gender and age groups can be seen. When it comes to health care spending,  those 65 and above spend on average the most at about $10,000. Compared with each other, children and young adults have a similar pattern of spending, averaging $1,750. In addition to this, women are more likely to spend more money on healthcare than men($4,635 vs. $3,559). (Kaiser)

What Makes the Costs So High
Although only a brief overview of the costs of healthcare have been given, what makes these costs so lofty can now be discussed. Costs increase for multiple reasons, including technological advances, wasteful spending, aging population, and unhealthy lifestyles. In order to provide a simple view of these influences, two diverse ones will be discussed: technology and waste.
The pursuit of new technology accounts for half of the current health care costs. As more unique and chronic diseases present themselves, more technological advances are pursued in order to find treatments for them. These illnesses are especially common among the elderly. Since many of these are unique, the same treatment cannot usually be used over and over again. In addition, since various illnesses are chronic, like diabetes or Alzheimer's, these treatments must last a lengthy amount of time to provide adequate results for the individual. This technology, then, is benefiting individuals but also costing the country millions of dollars. The Kaiser Family Foundation sums up this problem well: “A small share of the population accounts for a high proportion of costs”( Kaiser).
Wasteful spending accounts for one third to almost one half of the costs spent on health care. One study projected the waste to be $476 billion to $992 billion of the total spending on health care in 2011(Health Affairs). When calculated as a percentage, this adds up to 18% to 37% of the approximately $2.6 trillion amount of costs. Waste can occur in five different spheres of the health system: patients can be cared for in a way that leaves them with more harm than they had at first; patients might receive care which interrupts or complicates their admission to or discharge from the hospital; patients can overtreated by defensive medicine, which intended to be helpful is actually unnecessary or unsuitable; administration in hospitals, insurance agencies, and the government are inefficient and time consuming; and a service expected to cost a specific price actually winds up being more costly(Aetna).

How Costs Affect Americans
The rising healthcare costs affect the country as a whole and when dissected, these costs also affect two specific groups as well: families and businesses, the makeup of this country. As costs continue to rise, families must make difficult choices, such as cutting back on protective health care. In a survey, families answered that in certain circumstances they relied on home treatments instead of going to the doctor, skipped an important medical test, or did not fill a prescription that was needed(Kaiser). Any current monthly cost a family could actually afford simply does not provide the necessary coverage the family needs. In 1965 Medicaid stepped in to help children and disabled individuals who financially could not afford health care. On average, a family must be 250% below the poverty level to qualify for Medicaid. Because health care costs are rising much faster than the federal poverty level, many people with low incomes are still not eligible for government or state coverage. However, since their income is low, they still cannot afford to pay for the high premiums of current insurance. This problem within healthcare greatly affects families.
In addition to families being affected by high costs in the healthcare system, businesses are also affected. Employers and employees are both included in this issue. Premiums usually rise between 3 to 13% each year while wages and inflation only rise about 2% to 4% each year(Kaiser). Because premiums rise faster than wages and inflation, action must be taken within businesses. To combat the rising premiums while retaining coverage, a few things can happen. Employers or businesses can lower wages or hours,  or simply not allow employees to have raises. The other option is that employees must contribute more from their wages for their insurance or their health benefits could be reduced within the coverage. In both cases, employers and employees are seriously affected by the rising costs of health care.

The Mandate to the Rescue
After discussing dramatically rising healthcare costs, what makes those costs so high, and how those costs affect American citizens, it is obvious that many problems exist. In a hopeful effort to lower healthcare costs and to provide coverage for all Americans, Obama and his administration have enacted the individual mandate which will be enforced in 2014. This mandate requires all American citizens to be insured by the first of the year or penalizes those who are not insured. A detailed explanation as to how the mandate will fix the costs is longed for and even expected in such a report as this. However, that kind of answer is impossible at this time due to lacking results. Hopes, opinions, and predictions are offered, but certainty is unknown and could be unknown for years to come. This being said, a look at certain expectations will prove to be helpful and possibly encouraging.
According to most recent studies, the lowered premiums are supposed to save the federal government $190 billion in 10 years. Doing the math, the savings can be envisioned. If  the country spends an average of 2.6 trillion on health care each year, and $190 billion will be saved in the next decade, 13.6 billion will still be spent on healthcare each year. Though these savings might positively affect the government in the long run, currently individuals signing up for Obamacare are not saving, but losing money. Their premiums are skyrocketing and their coverage is changing dramatically(Walsh).
Costs within the government may not exactly be lessening either. With the mandate being enacted, about 16 million people will have new coverage. 6 to 7 million of these individuals will be receiving their insurance from Medicaid. Due to this action, those 6 million individuals will begin using $10 to $12.5 billion in uncompensated care from Medicaid. It is believed that if those individuals had remained without insurance funded by Medicaid, they would only be costing the system about $4 billion in uncompensated care(Forbes). In this sense, costs are not lessening, only shifting elsewhere.
This discussion could continue for hundreds of pages in comparing opinions and predictions of supporters and critics. “Supporters say the changes are holding down costs and increasing doctors’ and hospitals’ focus on keeping patients healthy. But critics say the law is likely having little effect on medical costs, and they accuse the federal government of meddling in the way healthcare is delivered”(CQ Researcher). To be blatantly objective and honest, the results simply are unavailable. The health of the country, the economy of the country, and various other factors cannot be determined at this point.

Necessary Virtues for the Future
This report leaves our figure from the beginning of the paper in a predicament. What Katie and her family have to rely on are only predictions and hopes for the future of our country’s healthcare system.  Although a purpose of the individual mandate is to lower the health care costs for families like Katie’s, the costs could rise or lower depending on many factors. Katie and her husband must have patience, intelligence, and unity along with the rest of America as they proceed down this unknown path towards hopeful progress for their family and country.

Works Cited

Walsh, Matt. “The Definitive Guide to How Obamacare is Destroying American Lives”. The Matt Walsh Blog. Web. 21 Oct. 2013.

“Health Care Costs, A Primer”. The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. KFF. n.p. Web. May 2012.

Congressional Budget Office(CBO). Expanding Health Insurance Coverage and Controlling Costs for Health Care. Web. n.p. 10 Feb. 2009

“Health Care Costs, A Primer”. The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. KFF. n.p. 25. Web. May 2012.

“Reducing Waste in Health Care”. Health Affairs. Health Affairs. n.p. Web. 13 Dec. 2012
“The Facts About Rising Healthcare Costs”. Aetna. Aetna. Web n.p.

Pipes, Sally. “ObamaCare's Individual Mandate Will Raise, Not Lower Costs”. Forbes. Forbes, 2012. Web. 20 Apr. 2012

“Health Care”. CQ Researcher. n. pag. CQ Press Web. 15 June. 2013

A Profile Focus on Obamacare

Loosely Based on a True Story
Beep. Beep. Beep. The sound of the alarm jerked Micah out of a deep sleep. Struggling to find the button that would quiet the wretched noise, he tore himself from his dream of the car accident he had caused the previous day. He shuddered remembering the words of the uniformed officer, “You’re a lucky guy. If you had been going any faster, you would have most likely been placed in the hospital”. Putting on his grey Coke uniform, he imagined the hospital bills that would have been added to the bills he already had: car payments and insurance, school bills, and now a ticket.  As he walked to his car in the 3 am darkness, a word his dad usd the night before popped into his head: Obamacare. As he drove to work, he recalled the conversation from the previous evening. His upset dad had said sarcastically, “Well, next year because of Obamacare you won’t have to worry about being uninsured.” Micah had dismissed the conversation, not wanting to discuss it then. “Obamacare. I wonder what it’s all about,” he thought to himself arriving at Wal-Mart to stock his Coke products. “If it’s going to affect me like dad implied, I should probably look into it”.

After finishing a 12 hour work day and working on some homework, Micah remembered his decision to discover what Obamacare was all about. As he strolled past his sister, Abi, on his way to the inviting, red couch in the living room, he asked: “Have you heard about Obamacare, Abi?”.
“Yeah, it’s one of the discussions in my political science class.” she replied.
“Do you have any idea where I should start in my research?” he asked.
“Well, it’s really complicated; so start on the individual mandate. That might actually affect you since Coke won’t provide you with health insurance”
“Ok, thanks!”

Micah relaxed on the couch and began to research the described mandate. To begin his research, Micah considered the actual law. Luckily he found it online(GPO), but understanding the 906 page bill proved difficult. After glancing through it, he studied a few articles that translated the bill.
From what Micah read, he discovered that part of Obama’s reform, the individual mandate, required individuals to be under a health insurance plan by 2014.  If the individual’s employer does not provide coverage, the individual must buy it. If the individual cannot afford coverage, then the government may offer assistance. As he read further, he also realized that when an individual refuses to purchase a plan, he will be taxed- $695(or 2.5% of income) after the third year(Blodget). “So if I refused to purchase the coverage, I would be taxed $540 according to my wage. But according to the rule, I would have the pay the tax since it’s higher than 2.5% of my income. Wonderful.
After Micah retrieved a cold Coke from downstairs, he persisted in his research. He discovered next that for those who couldn’t afford the mandated coverage, subsidies would be available. Micah then realized that he would qualify for a subsidy since he earned less than $45,960(Luhby) “But how much assistance will I get? Micah discovered that, “the lower your income, the larger your subsidy. For instance, those making $17,235 a year will pay no more than 4% of income, or $57 a month.” “Alright, this gives me a few choices: buy a health care plan on my own, buy one with a subsidy, or pay the penalty. It’s still not fair; in my 18 years of life. I have never used health care and won’t use it as long as possible. So why should I be forced to purchase something I don’t need right now? How does my getting health care play a part in the whole reform?”

On his day off the following day, Micah decided to form an answer to his last question. After comparing sources on the internet, he understood. “In order for premiums to lower and for the government to provide subsidies, extra money must come from somewhere,” he said to himself. The young and healthy Americans, like himself, would purchase health care, but would likely not use it because of good health. Hence, his unused money would be put into a pool. This “extra” money would indirectly lower premiums and allow the government to subsidize. “Basically, I will be paying for other people to receive health care.”

He read: “If enrolling in coverage through the state exchanges is too expensive or too confusing, uninsured individuals might choose to skip it and pay the fines instead. That could lead to fewer healthy people enrolling -- which would make coverage in the exchanges more costly for everyone, since they would become populated primarily by people with greater medical needs(Luhby).” “Ok, I understand why it’s necessary. But it seems extremely unfair. This law seems to benefit only the sick. I wonder if it’s even legal!” he muttered to himself in frustration(Thoma).

Although late and Micah had to work early the next morning, he continued researching to find an answer to the probing question. He discovered that though there had been much questioning as to whether the mandate was Constitutional,, the mandate proved to be legal labeled as a tax(Constitution).i
I do remember reading that some parts of the mandate were unconstitutional though.” Micah thought. He remembered correctly. Micah’s brother-in-law, Luke, worked for “The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty”, which had been defending individuals and groups in court against a first amendment violation. How does this relate to the individual mandate though?” Micah wondered.
He found out that the government now requires all insurance companies to offer contraceptives, even pills that cause abortions, in all their plans(Becketfund).iOk, so not only am I putting money into the health care system, of which I will rarely take a part in, but my money might provide abortions for people.” This fact really hit Micah emotionally due to the fact that abortion, the murder of a child, was completely against his beliefs. “The first amendment states that it is unlawful to force someone to act against their religious convictions. But the government will be forcing me to act against my religious morals in this way.” Micah said, slamming his laptop shut as the realization of how deeply this new mandate would affect him surfaced.

The next evening when Micah was sitting with his family eating dinner, Abi asked him how his research was coming.
“Well,” Micah began, “I have three options as a healthy, American individual. I can purchase healthcare coverage on my own, use a government subsidy to help pay for coverage,  or I can refuse coverage and be taxed. In all three cases, I will be putting my money into a health care “pool”, my money will help pay for the health care of other individuals who actually need health care, since I won’t be using the coverage. In addition to this, my money will be paying for contraceptives that provide abortions for people using the coverage. Basically I am being forced to pay into something that I will rarely use and that provides options for people that I am morally opposed to.”
“Can you do anything to oppose the mandate?” asked Micah’s sister, Susanna.
“That’s what I am going to figure out next. There has to be something I can do to stop this injustice, not just for myself, but for other American individuals as well.”
And that began Micah’s next research project. He, like many other individuals, is not satisfied with the mandate that is being forced upon him. Therefore, he will attempt to find a way to stand up to it.

Works Cited

U.S. Government Printing Office. Public Law 111–148. 23 Mar. 2010. Web. 23 Mar. 2010 ( )

Blodget, Henry. “How Much is The Obamacare Penalty Tax?”. Business Insider. Business Insider, 2012. Web. 2 July. 2012.

Luhby, Tammy. “What You’ll Actually Pay for Obamacare”. CNN Money. CNN Money, 2013. Web. 21 Aug. 2013.
Thoma, Mark. “Why We Need an Individual Mandate for Health Insurance.” Economist’s View. Economist’s View, 2012. Web. 28 Mar. 2012.
Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution.
Becketfund. Becket Fund for Religious Liberties. Web. n.p.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Grace in a Different Light

          Grace is not simply a religious term, a feeling, or a word. Grace is God's unmerited favor. This means that such favor cannot be earned; we as human beings do not deserve this grace. Yet this unmerited favor exists in every waking moment of my existence, of your existence, of the world's existence. You must look for it.
           Grace can be found in a little child contentedly whispering stories to her plastic horse, Black Beauty. Grace can be seen in alluring sunsets over the Great Salt Lake which cause you to pull off to the side of the road in fear of driving off the road because your graze is fixed on the gorgeous sky. Grace can be noticed in wispy clouds floating in front of a full moon. Grace is everywhere, however, we as human beings are too used to it or take it for granted.
         God did not solely display his grace as he gave up his sinless life as a payment for mine. This grace was not shown only as Jesus experienced every bit of pain, grief, evil, sorrow, loneliness, anger, insecurity, jealousy, pride that I have experienced and ever will experience. Grace didn't start and stop there. It continues to flow from the Father.
         This kind of love blows my mind. What kind of God showers his children with boundless blessings despite the fact that they choose to glorify themselves day after day? What kind of God enjoys giving good gifts to his beloved creation? What kind of God never stops choosing to love his people even after they stop loving him? It makes no sense, especially in this world of fake love and cheap grace. But it's true, and I am understanding it more and more.
          I challenge you to look for and find grace. When you make the choice to do so, you will be blown away by the love of the Savior. It will begin changing the way you see and interact with God. It's so freeing.
          Look for Grace.

Romans 8:32 "He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? 
Ephesians 2:1-9 "As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath. But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.  And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast."

Monday, January 21, 2013

Fighting for Life

It seems to me that since God creates life(Genesis 2:7), loves life enough to sacrifice his son in order to offer eternal life(John 3:16), and sustains life(Hebrews 1:3) that God is pro life. It also seems to be pretty clear that a follower of Christ, who is indeed God, that follower should be pro life. It doesn't seem like there is a way around this. God is for life. So must I be for life.

Abortion is wrong, an evil, murder...This I know very well. I read articles on abortion and share those articles. I give my money to pro life causes. I claim to be pro life. 

Today I read that in 2011 a baby was aborted every ninety five seconds. Today I also listened as Obama, who will continue to let these abortions continue, was inaugurated into office. Today I realized that I need to do something.

Sometimes, like today, I will realize the state of the world-the evil, the suffering, the brokenness, the poverty, the injustice, the hunger, the death, the sadness, the pain- and become overwhelmed and discouraged. I will throw up my hands and say, "What am I supposed to do? I'm only one person. How can I fix this mess?" Today is different. I didn't give in to the discouragement. I decided to do something, instead of focusing on what I can't do.

My purpose as a follower of Christ is to be used by God to make things right, to restore things back to how God initially created them. Even in ways that seem insanely small, I want to be used to put the things in this world back into their places.

Today I decided to become a greater part of the fight for life that is taking place or needs to take place in this world. I asked God to soften my heart to the cries of the unborn. I begged him to haunt me with their screams. I don't want to simply read the articles and move on with my life, like I have been. I want to FIGHT for their lives. God has been opening doors for me: from the nagging feeling that I should be doing something more to the extra time that I now have been given to the need of help at my local pregnancy center. 

I am doing something. I am going to start volunteering at the pregnancy resource center. It's small, it may seem weak in comparison to what other people are doing. But God's strength is made perfect in weakness. I urge you to do something, if you have been convicted like I have. It may be different than volunteering, it may be lobbying or writing articles or teaching others about what abortion really is. Depending on who you are, what kind of time you have available, where you live, what your gifts are, the options for fighting this fight are probably endless. And if you don't know where to start, find your local pregnancy center. I bet they need volunteers like mine does. Do something.

God is fighting for life, and I am joining him. Will you?

Friday, August 17, 2012

It Really is ALL About Jesus

"I hear the Savior say,
Thy strength indeed is small;
Child of weakness, watch and pray,
Find in Me thine all in all."

For a while now, a wise friend has been telling me that Jesus needs to be the focal point of my life. No matter how much time I spend reading and thinking, blogging and journaling,  working and playing....Jesus must be my all in all. I realize now that I did not pay attention to how important that fact is. Now I am understanding as the Holy Spirit convicts me.

Every once in a while, I become completely exhausted because of doing "stuff". When I step back and question why I'm doing the "stuff", I answer, "because I need to be doing it". This is where the Holy Spirit convicts me, because all my attempts at living a godly life to honor God are worthless if Christ is not at the center of all that I do. He must be behind every motive, every action, every thought, every word.

Without Jesus, there is no purpose in life. Just think about it. Christ died to be the redemption of sin. But his death would not have mattered that much  if he hadn't risen from the grave. If he had just died, he would have been like any other dying  man. But his resurrection, his conquering of death, made all the difference. By conquering death, He gave us, the human race, hope for a future beyond the grave. Think of it: life is lived and in the end, you die. That's all. If all that occurs in the end is death, a body lying in the grave, then why not live this life to the fullest, selfishly enjoying all the pleasures it has to offer without caring about consequences.  But because Jesus conquered the grave, there is something beyond our bodies decaying in a cemetery. Jesus gave us something other than ourselves to live for: Him. By living godly and holy lives on this earth, we have something to hope and long for, a perfect and pure relationship with God for eternity, exactly what we were made for in the first place. So because Christ died, saving us from our evil, sinful hearts, and then conquered death, He gave us a purpose, a reason for doing "things", for doing "stuff", but for Him.

When from my dying bed,
My ransomed soul shall rise,
"Jesus died my soul to save,"
Shall rend the vaulted skies.
Understanding that then, all that we do from day to day should be centered around Jesus, since he gave us the meaning of doing  all "things". If we lose focus of Him, then our purpose becomes blurry and we wander around aimlessly wondering why we do the things we do. In order for the purpose to become clear again, we must draw near to the One who gave us that purpose, that hope for which to live. " 

And when before the throne
I stand in Him complete,
I'll lay my trophies down,
All down at Jesus' feet.

When I came back home from my schooling at Rivendell Sanctuary, the youth group I help lead was focusing on a series of lessons called, "It's All About Jesus". When it was explained to me by one of the leaders that doctrine and theology do not matter as much as Jesus, I think I was fairly shocked. At that time I had just finished up a semester focusing on theology and philosophy, and was holding theology in pretty high regards. Now that I think more about it, I realize that the leader was right. Developing one's own theology is important in order to develop a logical defense for one's beliefs, in addition to many other important practices and studies; however, if Christ is not at the center of those studies, what's the point? Why develop a study of God, theology, without focusing on Christ, the very Son of God?

So yes, acquiring wisdom, developing relationships, working hard, and enjoying life's pleasures are to be done, but they must be done with Jesus as the focus. So do things, but only do those things if they are being done for the glory of God. "Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31
And when you get exhausted of doing things, as I often do in this hectic life, step back and question yourself as to why and for whom you are doing these things. Are you trying to be productive and accomplish much to feel valuable, to pay off some sin, to appease a guilty conscience, to please God, or to repay Christ for what he's done for you? If so, draw near to God and repent. Then be filled up in Christ so that you may continue pouring out Christ until that time when you grow weary again. Fill up, so that you may pour out. 

Jesus paid it all,
All to Him I owe,
Sin had left a crimson stain,
He washed it white as snow

Lyrics from Jesus Paid It All by Elvina Hall

Monday, July 30, 2012

Musings from Mexico

Leaving Mexico last year left me with the same doubts and questions I had at the beginning of this year concerning whether I belonged in Mexico and whether our efforts were making any difference. Instead of spending the year brainstorming about new ideas for Mexico or figuring out if God really wanted me there, God took me to Summit Semester and Rivendell where my attention was focused in a different direction. Despite this, throughout the weeks there, God really answered my prayers in surprising ways.

First of all, he reminded me to live moment by moment, instead of trying to figure out the future in one day. For the past couple years, I had it set it my mind that I would be doing youth ministry and missions long term. Whether this really is God's plan for my life doesn't really matter at the present moment since I will never know my future. My goal is not to figure out God's plans for my life, but to live lovingly and obediently every day, to take captive every moment he has given me, and to remember that each breath I take is a gift from the One who sustains my life.

Second of all, God gave me an answer to my doubts about whether or not VBS was worth the time and money and whether it was actually making a difference in the lives of the children we ministered to each year, God truly showed me our efforts are worth it. Because of my family and church's many years of missions work in Mexico, relationships have grown, and I really saw the fruit of that this year. One of these fruits was Josue, whom I have known since my first year in Mexico, eleven years ago. He has gone from a childish boy to a young man strong in his faith and zealous for his Savior. He traveled with us to many of the VBS's leading music, teaching lessons, moving felts, and using a microphone to draw children in. He is only fourteen and stands up for his beliefs despite his peers opposition to his beliefs. Despite his age, he is such an example to me, and God really used him to show me that relationships there are worth the effort. Josue is worth the effort. Oh, how I love that boy. It was so hard to leave him this year.
 New relationships also are beginning to flourish, and through this, new ministry opportunities are presenting themselves through God's great plan. This was also encouraging to discover. 
 Kids would come up to many of us asking if were were going to make the salvation bracelets or if they would be given t shirts to color or whether we would be having a water balloon fight again. The children remember that we come down every year and they remember what we do with them. My prayer is that they would remember the love of Christ that we try so hard to share with them and that seeds would be planted in each of their little hearts so that in years to come, they would look back on their childhood and remember, not us but Christ in us and that that would make all the difference. 
In two locations, Santa Cruz and Cuitaca, I found two little children to whom I devoted my attention. They were both sweet joys in the daily struggle of doing something I did not have the desire or strength to do. It seemed as though my heart was not involved with the work during the week of VBS like it had been in past years. I really think God used those children in my life even as I may have been used in their life. As I showed them kindness since those around them were ignoring them, He showed me that even through my efforts that seem insignificant to me, He can do great and mighty things. God works in beautiful ways.
Through these happenings, God helped me realize that my work as a follower of Jesus is not about the results that I see within people, but that my focus should constantly be on being a light in this dark world. I can do this by being an example, by sharing Christ's great love in all that I do and say. 

Thirdly, God revealed to me a spiritual gift(administrative: 1 Corinthians 12) that he has given me. I have always loved scheduling and organizing things. This year I was able to do a lot of that from writing schedules for girl's camp and the VBS week to assigning people to different teams to writing fliers and menus. Most people seem to look at challenges like that and get thoroughly confused, but I find great joy and satisfaction in the challenge. I was also able to lead a few of the meetings we had, which was pretty crazy. In previous years I would have been extremely nervous doing something like that, but God gave me the strength and courage to use the gift he has given me. Knowing of this gift and how practical it is gives me great joy and really excites me to see how God will use it in me.

When I decided to go to Mexico this year, despite only returning home after five months of being away, I had no clue God had all these lessons in store for me. The two weeks there were incredibly challenging and difficult, but focusing on my source of strength and joy gave me the perseverance to push on. I am so glad he kept challenging me, otherwise my character would not be sharpened like it is today. These lessons learned do not solely affect me in Mexico, but affect me daily here in Utah.

"Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this gracein which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God. And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us." Romans 5:1-5